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to ſeparate more. Let we hear how God bears up thy heart and let me tale of the comforts that ſupport thee. that they may be as pillars to bear up my heart. I can writeno more.
Farewel farewel My Dear till we ſhall meet where we ſhall bid farewel no more. Til which time I leave thee in the hands of a tender-hearted Father and do the beſt till I ſhall reſt with thee in heaven. MARY LOVE.
From Mr. CHRISTOPHER. Love to his Wife.
My moſt gracious Beloved,
I am now going from a priſon to a palace; I have finiſhed my work, and am now going to receive my wages. I am going to heaven, where are two of my children, and leaving you on earth, here there are three of my babes: Theſe two above, need not my care, but the three below, need yours. It comforts me to think, two of my children are in the boſom of Abraham and three of them will be in the arms and care of ſuch a tender and godly mother. I know you are a woman of a ſorrowful ſpirit, yet be comforted though your ſorrows be great for your huſband going out of the world, yet your pains thailte the le's in bringirg your child into the world: you ſhalt be a joyful mother, though you be a ad widow, God hath many mercies in ſtore for you: The prayer of a dying huſband for you, will not be loſt. To my ſhame I ſpeak is, I never p a e for you at liberty as I have done in priſon. I can write much but I have practical crunſels to leave with you, viz.