( 19 )
Sure thee by the great JEHOVANH the God of heaven and earth, thou fſervant of the devil Thou Witch wife to riſe from the Lord Table, and go from among his people; I will no name thee, nor will I teach thee, but may the terrors of the Lord touch thy conference and lead thee forth from among his ſons and daughters- And you man, who hath the ſtolen Bible in your hand open the door and let her ou "- Then a woman roſe who never wa ſuſpected of any ſuch thing and with great horror and trembling ſhe cried out that the was the perſon he meant, and ſo ſtaggered to the door, where the man with the ſtolen Bible being convicted alſo, met her and opened the door, ſo they went both out together. The woman's huſband was highly inraged againſt Mr Logan, for calling his wife a Witch and would have him to make it out or ſuffer for ſaying ſo: but Mr Logan cleared himſelf. by him not naming any perſon, but ſpoke to all in general tho' to a Witch in particular, and that his wife's conſcience convicted her, and made her confeſs it.
Another time he being at a Solemnity in the north country as he was ſerving a Table and looking very earneſtly upon the communicants he ſaid There i certainy a Judas here who thinks to betray the partakers of this bleſſed. Table by the inchantments of the devil, but O Lord Jeſus bring the their hidden treachery to an open light, and the actors to open ſhame. Theſe words he no ſooner attered than a woman who had concealed a piece of the bread in her boſom, was seized with great fear and trembling, and the gave it again to one of the elders, ſaying ſhe wa deſired to do it by one of her neighbours, who was to communicate that day, who