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would not come up while Mr. Logan was preſent. The woman being brought before Mr Logan and the other alſo ſhe who emplored the other to ſteal it, told the had aſked a favour from the devil, and he would not grant it. unleſs fhe got him a piece of the bread from the Lord's table after it was conſecrated.

It was obſerved by his ſervants for the ſpace of four years belore his death he had the following words in his prayer, O Lord ſtrengthen thy ſmall remnant, the Proteſtants in France and Germany, for theſe evil days that are coming upon them; days of perſecution of delſtruction, bloodſhed, hunger and cleanneſs of teeth Lord give them thy Spirit inwardly, to stand up with boldneſs for thy cauſe, and contend for the faith once delivered to the ſaints. Send them, O God, a leader and defender, who will repel the powers of Popery, bring down the land of graven images, and aboliſh the temples of their idol gods."

His aſtoniſhing foreknowledge and prediction of the man's fate going to Clackmannan, and his amazing diſcovery and conviction of the Witch and holder of the ſtolen Bible, are notoriouſly known to many yet alive. And his predictions concerning the King of Pruſſia's becoming a Champion for the Proteſtant faith. The many calamities which he foretold ſhould befal the Church of Scotland, are alſo verified in the many Schiſm and Hereſies in doctrine and diſcipline, which have crept into the fame, and which have occaſioned the many diviſions which have happened therein ſince the cloſe of Mr. Logan's days. Time would fail, to give a particular deſcription of all thoſe Hereſies, their riſe and progreſs fruits and effects: the reader muſt be referred to the many control verſies