Mr. Christopher Love.
A few nights after he was sentenced to be beheaded on Tower Hill which was or the 22d day of Auguſt 1651 which was ten days before hi appointed time by the ſentence he received in the bar being viſited by two very intimate acquaintances or boſom friends as he himſelf called them: In their private conference they began to complain to him of the cruelty of the times and the malice and uſage of the time ſervirg brethren. To which Mr Love replied, And think you this all evil time? No no, this is the very time when grace and true godlineſs can be diſtinguiſhed from hypocriſy: many have followed Chriſt herto for the cave, and are now turned back, becauſe of the roughneſs of the way, and the fore trial and tribulation met with by others that are gone before then.- There are many in London at this very day, who think to go to heaven in gilded coacher, and yet have denied Chriſt's cauſe before men, againſt rom I am now witneſs and Chriſt, in his never failing word has threatened to deny nil ſuch before his Katherland the holy angels. This is the time to concern between him that ſerveth God, and him that ſerveth him not.- They