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They formerly were my familiar acquaintences, in fellowſhip and ſweet converſe: I ſent this day to have a few words of them here in the priſon but they would not come for their countenance failen their conſciences wounded, they cannot look me in the face, becauſe I knew their reſolution and was witneſs of their perjuration But. ah! how will they look the bleſſed Jeſus in the face in the morning of the reſurrection? What answer or excuſe will they have for what they have done? Of cliff people! who think to eſcape the crops and, come to the crown. But I tell you nay you muſt all ſuffer perfection who follow the Lamb; we muſt be hated of all nations for Chriſt's lake; we muſt come thro great tribulation thro' the fiery furnace of affliction before we can enter the land of joy and felicity. Know you not, that the ſouls of thoſe that were ſlain for the teſtimony of Jeſus are placed under the altar?- Happy, happy are theſe men at this day, and ever ſhall be happy who ſuffer for Chriſt's ſake, in a right and charitable way thro' love to his cauſe and honeſty of heart; not thro' price and hypocriſy without the root of the matter. to have it ſaid they died martyrs theſe are hey, who will piſs their mark; and thus who denied the call soo turned back ſhall never have the honour to find it.
I am now pointed out by many, to be in a deſtitute and a forlorn condition; But I would not exchange my ue for all in this world; o not for all the glory that's on the earth.- find my Redeemer love ſtranger in my bones, han ever I did in the days of my liberty, and I old living here in this world at death. fell of love and joy of the Holy Spirit, as ever