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a bottle war filled with new wine!-I am ready to cry out. The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me! I will not take upon me to prophe y nevertheleſs the spirit of the Lord cauſeth me to utter: This aſurped authority now in the hands of Cromwell, all ſhortly be at an end England ſhall be bleſſed with meek king and mild governments, powerful preacher and cuil hearers, good ſermons to them will be a muſic to ſleepy men they ſhall bear, but not underſtand, nor lay he ord to heart to practiſe it

O England! Thou ſhall wax old in wickedneſs. Thy ſins abound like Sodom; thy voluptuouſneſs ſhall cry aloud for vengeance; the Lord will chaſtiſe thee; yet in mercy and love will he look apon thoſe that fear him, and call upon his name he will ſpare and ſave them alive in the days of hi anger, when the wicked ſhall be fiſted from amongſt you, as the chaff is fiſted from amongſt the wheat. For out of thee. O England, ſhall a bright ſtar ariſe, whoſe light and voice ſhall make the heathen to quake and come under ſubmiſſion to the goſpel of Chriſt; he ſhall be as a ſon of thunder in the ears of the wicked, as a lanthorn to the Jews, to lead them to the knowledge of Jeſus Chriſt, the only Son of God, and true Meſſiah, whom they have ſo long miſtruſted: for the ſhort work ſpoken of by the apoſtle, which the Lord is to make upon the earth, in the latter age of the world cannot now be very far off.

Obſerve, my dear friends, while you live, my calculation of the dates in the book of the Revelation and Daniel, which the Spirit of the Lord led me into, for the Lord will reveal it to ſome of his own, ere that time come: he nearer the time is the ſeals ſhall be taken away, and more and more ſhall be revealed to God's people;