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God will be univerſally known by all., and a general reformation and peace for ever, when the people ſhall learn war no more- I p, will the man be ſea liveth to ſee that bleſſed time.
To her Huſband.
BEFORE I write further I beſeech you not to think that it is your wife that now is writing to you, I hope thou haſt freely given up thy wife and children to the Lord God that ſaid Leave thy fatherleſs children I will preſerve them; and let thy widows truſt in me, J r. xiii 11. O that the Lord would keep thee From ing one troubled thoughs about thy relations. I deſire to give thee freely up into the Father's hands, and not only look upon it as a crown of glory for thee to die for Chriſt, but as an honour to me that I ſhould have a husband to leave for Chriſt I dare not ſpeak to thee, at have a thought within myſelf, of my unſpeakable loſs, but ſtill keep my eye fixed upon thy unſpeakable and inconceivable gain.
Thou lea eſt t a ſinful mortal wife to be c e a ingly married to the King of glory.- Thou leaveſt but children, and brethren, and, ſiſters to go to the Lord Jeſus thy eldeſt brother. Thou leaveſt friends, to go to the enjoyment of holy angels and to the spirits of juſt men made perfect. Thou doſt but leave earth for heaven And if natural affections begin to riſe, I hope than