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That Spirit of grace that is within thee, will quell them, And knowing that all thing here below are but dang and droſs in compariſon of theſe thing above I know thou keepeſt thy eye fixed upon the hope of glory, which makes thee to trample upon hell of earth
My dear I know that God hath not only prepared glory for thee and thee for it, but I am perſuaded he will ſweeten the way for thee to go to the enjoyment of it: And when thou at putting on thy clothes that morning think thru art putting on thy wedding-clothes, to go to be married to thy Redeemer. When the meſſenger of death cometh to thee let him rut be dreadful but leek upon him as the meſſenger that bringeth the good thing of eternal life - When thou guoſt up to the ſcaffold think what thou toldeſt me, it was but thy chariot to draw thee to thy Father's houſe. And when thou layeſt down thy dear head to receive thy Father's ſtroke, remember what thou fainſt to me That tho' thy head were ſevered from thy body, yet thy foul ſhall ſoon be united to a Chriſt, thy head, in heaven And though it may ſeem bitter that by the hand of men we are parted a little ſooner than otherwise we would have been; yet let us conſider, it is the decide and will of the Father; and beſides, we could not have lived much longer together; and it will not be long ere we ſhall enjoy one another in heaven. Oh! be comfort one another with theſe ſaying. O be comforted, it is but a little ſtroke ere thou ſhall be where the weary are at reſt, and where the wicked ſhall ceaſe from troubling thee Oh! remember that though thou eat thy dinner with bitter herb yet thou ſhalt have a joyful ſupper with Chriſt a