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enjoyment of that glory which eye hath not ſeen nor ear heard nor the heart of man conceive! God hath now ſwallowed up thy thoughts with the joys of heaven but ere long thou ſhalt be fully ſwallowed up in the enjoyment of heaven, O marvel not that there ſhould be ſuch quietneſs and calmneſs in thy ſpirit whilſt thou art rolling in this tempeſtuous ſtorm, it is becauſe thou perceiveſt, by the eye of faith a haven of reſt, where thou ſhalt be with Chriſt, the glory of heaven. O lift up thy head with joy when thou layeſt it upon the block, in the thoughts of this, that thou art laying thy read to reſt in (thy Saviour's boſom; which when thou ſhalt awake, ſhall be crowned not with an earthly jerown, that fadeth way, but with an heavenly crown of glory. O be not diſcouraged when thou ſhalt fee a guard of ſoldiers triumphing with their trumpets about thee; but lift up thy head, and thou ſhalt behold God with a guard of angels his holy angels, triumphing for the receiving thee into glory. O! be not diſcouraged at the ſcoffs and reproaches thou mayeſt meet with in thy ſhort way to heaven; for be aſſured, that God will not only glorify thy ſoul and body in heaven but he will as ſure make thy memory glorious upon earth O! let not one troubled thought for thy wife and babes ariſe within thee; thy God will be our God and portion; he will be a huſband to thy widow, and a father to thy children; the grace of thy God will be ſufficient for us.
Now, my dear, I deſire willingly and freely to reſign up my right of thee to my Father, and thy Father, who hath the greateſt intereſt in thee. Tho' men have ſeparated us for a time; yet our merciful God will bring us together again where we shall eternally enjoy one another, not to