important and covetous diplomacy has called together and multiplied solemn commissions and sub-commissions around the green tables and tried in vain under the opaque mantle of secret conferences, to mask the complete vacuity of its ideas, the total absence of its principles, the sullen opposition of financial groups which it had been called upon to try to soothe. Of noble ideas and elevated principles, in the name of which it formerly spoke to us, and for the sake of which we listened to it, soon nothing will have remained but feeble echos, and poor rubbish given to the people for the last time, as a bone at which to gnaw, and to calm their legimate impatience. On the other hand, truth has been coming to light with ever greater vigour and force and soon will have opened the eyes of the blindest amongst us.
In the name of „the right of nations to dispose freely of themselves“ the Allies re-commenced their attack against the Workers' and Peasants' Government of Russia. Without having had the courage to declare war upon Russia, they accused it, in the face of the whole world, in their official declarations, of maintaining disorder and bringing about the economic ruin of Russia, of being incapable to raise the productivity of the factories, to re-establish „normal life“, all the conditions „indispensable for the re-establishment of European peace“. Hypocrisy without end, for they continued with a fury that only doubled itself after the official categorical and precise offer of peace, by the Bolshevik Government, to obstruct the latter and, by putting into effect the blockade, to take away all possibility for it to renew its industrial plant.