Page:René Marchand - Why I Side with the Social Revolution (1920).pdf/79

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to improve its transport, to provide itself with the necessary implements of agriculture, continuing at the same time to pay and support secret agents for the miserable work of provocation and anarchic destruction, and finally to raise, finance and support on all its frontiers new attacks of the Czechs, Finns and Poles, even going to the extent of readjusting here and there the ruins of German imperialism in order to hurl them as well against the Russian proletarian revolution! Whilst the official representatives of France dare to accuse, and allow their bribed press publicly to accuse the Workers' and Peasants' Government of Russia of being able to maintain itself only „with the cooperation of German officers“, they have the courage to demand from Hindenburg, who has since become their Ally, the incorporation of these German officers into the Iron Division and other „volunteer“ units which, on their direct orders, are sent to attack, and used in the occupation of, against the principle of the rights of nations, and for the plunder of the western provinces of Russia! This calumny of alliance, of identification of „Bolshevism“ with „German Imperialism“, that they desperately endeavour to force upon the public opinion of the West, at all cost, has reached montrous poportions.

When one is witness of daily events in Russia it becomes particularly intolerable to read the foreign newspapers, and especially the French. It would be impossible to imagine a tissue of lies more shameless, more flagrantly contradictory, a more systematic and more hypocritical perversion of facts. One day the