Page:Resurrection Rock (1920).pdf/176

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communicate with individuals whose bodies no longer live and that, at certain times and upon special occasions, various individuals from among the dead have transmitted messages to us.

Of course I cannot describe to you details of the method of transmission; but I should say that, at present, communications seldom occur without some on this side seeking and establishing a suitable condition of receptivity. It has frequently appeared that individuals on the other side have wished to communicate with persons on this but have been unable to on account of lack of facility; for very often when one of us is sitting with a medium for the sake of reaching a friend on the other side, the sitter discovers that another person from the departed—perhaps absolutely unknown to him—takes occasion to employ the medium for the transmission of messages to some one else. In this way I learned your name and that of Philip Carew, whom I assume to be some one related to you, and who is dead.

Early in November, I was present at a private sitting, together with three other persons, with a Mrs. Brand, a lady endowed with very marked psychic powers but not a professional medium in the sense that she receives remuneration for her work. After series of communications of personal interest and significance to myself and to the other sitters, the "control" abruptly began speaking for one who gave his name as Philip Carew and who was unknown both to myself and to the others present.

This Philip Carew made known that he desired to communicate with a Barney Loutrelle; and I knew well a man of that name. I replied to that effect and said that I would inform Loutrelle at once. This response seemed to satisfy Philip Carew; the "control" resumed speaking for individuals known to us, and who appeared to have given way to Philip Carew for