Page:Resurrection Rock (1920).pdf/177

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the moment, and nothing more happened at that time.

Immediately upon leaving the sitting, I wrote to my friend Barney Loutrelle, who was then with his battalion in France, and informed him of the incident. He acknowledged receipt of my letter, but I believe he was able to do nothing about the matter; and nothing more occurred, to my knowledge, until December 10th, when at another and similar sitting with Mrs. Brand, the "control" again suddenly broke off speaking for individuals known to the sitters and again spoke for Philip Carew, saying that Philip Carew was extremely anxious to speak to Barney Loutrelle.

I replied, relating what I had done and stating my belief that, under the conditions at the front, Barney Loutrelle had been unable to find means to communicate. Philip Carew then said that I should give him a message which was for him to go at once to a place called St. Florentin and find something there which seemed to be called Resurrection.

Conditions for communication happened just then to be poor. If you know about psychic matters, you'll understand how that may be; but though it was hard to clearly comprehend what the "control" was endeavoring to transmit for Philip Carew, it was plain that Philip Carew was no end earnest about the business. He repeated again and again that it was most imperative and Barney must go at once. When I asked where St. Florentin was, he said in Northern Michigan near the Straits, and that Bagley would be there and Carew—not himself, he meant; but another. Barney was to say he was "Dick" and "take things over"; but he was to "look out!" I could not learn what he was to look out for, as Philip Carew soon was gone; but the unusual emphasis impressed me so that I wrote and wired Barney urging him to start at once; and he wired me that he started.