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who, as he pronounces blessings on the righteous, shall likewise say, with a terrible voice of most just judgment, to the wicked, 'Go ye accursed, into the fire everlasting.'"

She sank down upon her knees in prayer; and when she returned to the other room, it was so silently that Lucas, upon rising in the morning, believed she had slept soundly through the night, as had he. They had breakfast together with Luke and Bennet, while Myra and Julia were still in bed; then Lucas went downtown with his son and grandson; and Jaccard came over to the office.

Jaccard proved to be cognizant of the whereabouts of a private detective who could be depended upon not to sell out to any one else and not to inquire into any private matter further than instructed. So after Lucas completed his business with Jaccard, he himself made an appointment with the "operative" who proved so extremely competent an individual that when Ethel left the house on Scott Street that afternoon she had no idea whatever that she was followed.

"Started work 2:15 p. m. opposite — Scott Street. Grocer, L. P. Sauber, delivered several packages at rear 2:35. No other person passed in or out until young lady in blue cloth coat, toque, tan boots, evidently Miss Ethel Carew, left by front door 2:58." So read that portion of the confidential report which was supplied to Lucas early that evening.

"Followed her to State and Division where she took street car south to—N. State Street where she rang, was admitted at 3:20 and remained until seven minutes to four. Meanwhile three men and five women passed in and out. Inquiry established that number—is establishment of a Mrs. H. J. Davol, a professional