Page:Resurrection Rock (1920).pdf/226

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psychic medium of apparently high-class practice; no police-court record of arrest or conviction.

"E. C. went to drug store, purchased tooth paste and stamps, returning then by same route to—Scott Street, where entered 4:27. No one went in or out but several times woman, thought to be E. C., appeared at front window as though expecting some one. At 5:12 young man in military cap and overcoat, walking rapidly, stopped before house, evidently recognizing it by number; rang bell and soon was admitted. He was—"

There followed, for Lucas's edification, an excellent and unprejudiced description of Barney Loutrelle; a precise report of his period of stay within the house; the irruption of Bennet Cullen and the time of his stay; the means and manner of departure of Ethel Carew, Barney Loutrelle and Bennet Cullen; their destination and what they did upon that epochal evening.