year, or by a fine not exceeding two thousand dollars, or both; and in addition thereto he may be detained at quarantine so long as the health officers shall direct, not exceeding twenty days. And in case such person shall be taken sick of any infectious, contagious or pestilential disease, during such twenty days, he may be detained for such further time and at such place as the health officer shall direct.
§ 7296. Violating quarantine orders. Every person who, having been lawfully ordered by any health officer to be detained in quarantine, and not having been discharged, leaves the quarantine grounds or anchorage, or willfully violates any quarantine law or regulation, is guilty of a misdemeanor.
§ 7297. Obstructing health officer. Every person who willfully opposes or obstructs any health officer or physician charged with the enforcement of the health laws, in performing any legal duty, is guilty of a misdemeanor.
§ 1298. Violation of health laws. Every person who willfully violates any provision of the health laws, the punishment for violating which is not otherwise prescribed by those laws or by this code, and every person who willfully violates or refuses or omits to comply with any lawful order, direction, prohibition or regulation prescribed by any board of health or health officer, or any regulation lawfully made or established by any public officer under authority of the health laws, is punishable by imprisonment in a county jail not exceeding one year, or by a fine not exceeding two thousand dollars, or both.
§ 7299. Unlicensed piloting. Every person not holding license as pilot under the laws of this state, or under the laws of either of the states of Missouri, Kansas, Iowa or Nebraska, who pilots or offers to pilot any steamboat to or from any port within this state, is guilty of a misdemeanor.
§ 7300. Last section limited. The last section applies only to vessels pr led by steam while engaged in conveying freight and passengers or either, on the Missouri river.
§ 7301. Assuming to act as port warden. Every person who, not being a port warden, assumes or undertakes to act as such, under or by the provisions of any law of this state now in force or that may hereafter be enacted, and every person who issues any certificate of a survey on vessels, materials or goods damaged, with the intent to avoid the provisions of the law, is guilty of a misdemeanor.
§ 7302. Apothecary negligently endangering life. Every apothecary or druggist, and every person employed as clerk or salesman by an apothecary or druggist, or otherwise carrying on business as a dealer in drugs or medicines, who, in putting up any drugs or medicines, willfully, negligently or ignorantly omits to label the same, or puts any untrue label, stamp or other designation of contents upon any box, bottle or other package containing any drugs or medicines, or substitutes a different article for any article prescribed or ordered, or puts up a greater or less quantity of any article than that prescribed or ordered, or otherwise deviates from the terms of the prescription or order which he undertakes to follow, in consequence of which human life or health is endangered, is guilty of a misdemeanor.
§ 7303. Record of poison sold. Label. No druggist, apothecary or other person dealing or trafficking in drugs or medicines, and no person employed as clerk or salesman by any apothecary or drug-1291