gist, shall sell or give away any poison or poisonous substances, except to practicing physicians, in their ordinary practice of medicine, without recording in a book, to be kept for that purpose, the name of the person or persons receiving such poison, and his, her or their residence, excepting upon the written order or prescription of some practicing physician whose name must be attached to such order or prescription. No person shall sell, give away or dispose of any poisonous substance without attaching to the phial, box or parcel containing such poisonous substance a label with the word "poison," printed or written upon it, in plain and legible characters.
§ 7304. Violation, misdemeanor. Any person violating any of the provisions of section 7303 shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor.
§ 7305. Record subject to inspection. Every person whose duty it is by section 7303 to keep any book for recording the sale or gift of poisons, who willfully refuses to permit any person to inspect said book upon reasonable demand made during business hours, is punishable by fine not exceeding fifty dollars.
§ 7306. Laying out poison. Exception. Every person who shall lay out strychnine or other poison, within the limits of any town, or within one mile of any dwelling house or any barn, stable or outbuilding, used at the time for the keeping or shelter of horses, cattle, sheep or swine, or within one half mile of any traveled thoroughfare, on the ceded lands of this state, is guilty of a misdemeanor; provided, nothing in this section shall be construed to prohibit the putting out at any time of poisoned grain, for the purpose of killing gophers.
§ 7307. Omitting to mark baled hay. Every person who, in putting up or pressing any bundle of hay for market, omits to put the number of pounds in each bundle or bale so put up, for which he sells or offers to sell it. is guilty of a misdemeanor.
§ 7308. Fraudulently increasing weight. Every person who, in putting up in any bag, bale, box, barrel or other package, any hops, cotton, hay or other goods usually sold in bags, bales, barrels or packages, by weight, puts in or conceals therein anything whatever for the purpose of increasing the weight of such bag, bale, box, barrel or package, is punishable by a fine of twenty-five dollars for each offense.
§ 7309. Adulterating food or medicines. Every person who adulterates or dilutes any article of food, drink, drug, medicine, strong, spirituous or malt liquor or wine, or any article useful in compounding either of them, whether one useful for mankind or for animals, with a fraudulent intent to offer the same, or cause or permit it to be offered for sale as unadulterated or undiluted, and every person who fraudulently sells or keeps or offers for sale the same as unadulterated or undiluted, knowing it to have been adulterated or diluted, is guilty of a misdemeanor.
§ 7310. Knowingly selling tainted food. Every person who knowingly sells. or keeps or offers for sale or otherwise disposes of any article of food, drink, drug or medicine, knowing that the same has become tainted. decayed, spoiled or otherwise unwholesome or unfit to be eaten or drank, with intent to perinit the same to be eaten or drank by any person or animal, is guilty of a misdemeanor.
§ 7311. Manufacturing slung shot. Every person who manufactures or causes to be manufactured, or sells or offers or keeps for 1292