within the grounds and precincts thereof. All officers and employees of the penitentiary shall be exempt from 'serving upon juries in any of the courts of this state.
§ 8515. State reform school at Mandan. Continuation and use. The state reform school located at Mandan in the county of Morton, shall continue to be the general reform and industrial school of the state for the detention, instruction and reformation of such juvenile offenders against the laws and good order thereof, of both sexes under the age of eighteen years as may be committed to it according to law for detention, instruction and discipline therein. $ 8516. Within jurisdiction of Morton county. The said state reform school and the grounds and precincts thereof, for the purpose of all judicial proceedings shall be deemed to be within and a part of the county of Morton, and the courts of said county shall have jurisdiction of all crimes or public offenses committed within the same.
§ 8517. Who may serve process. All process to be served within the grounds or precincts of such reform school, either upon persons detained thereat or committed thereto or upon officers or persons employed within the grounds or precincts thereof, except the superintendent, shall be served and returned by such superintendent; provided, that all officers or persons in charge of or caring for, any inmate or person committed to such reform school, at any place, shall be deemed to be within its grounds and precincts. All officers and employees of the reform school shall be exempt from serving upon juries in any of the courts of this state.
§ 8518. Board of management. Penitentiary. Reform school. The said penitentiary and the said reform school shall each be governed by a separate board of trustees consisting of five members to be appointed by the governor as hereinafter in this article provided, and the term of office of each trustee (except as otherwise in this article specified) shall be four years commencing on the first Tuesday of April next succeeding his appointment.
§ 8519. How trustees appointed. Terms. Vacancy. Tie governor shall nominate, and by and with the advice and consent of the senate, appoint, during the regular session of the legislative assembly held in 1895, five trustees of each of such institutions, of whom two shall be designated to hold their offices for the term of two years and three for the term of four years. The governor at each regular session of the legislative assembly thereafter shall nominate, and by and with the advice and consent of the senate, appoint trustees of such institutions in place of those whose terms shall thereafter first expire. Each trustee shall hold his office until his successor is appointed and qualified: provided, that the governor may till any Vacancy in either of said boards hy appointment to extend only to the first Tuesday of April succeeding the next regular session of the legislative assembly; and provided, further, that the governor shall, during such next regular session of the legislative assembly. nominate,