and by and with the advice and consent of the senate, appoint a trustee to fill such vacancy for the remainder of the term unexpired. No more than two members of either of such boards shall be appointed from the same county.
§ 8520. How trustees qualify. Bond. Oath. Each of said trustees shall, before entering upon the duties of his appointment, execute a bond, jointly and severally with two or more sureties to be approved by the governor as to sufficiency and by the attorney general as to form in the penal sum of five thousand dollars, to the state of North Dakota and conditioned to the effect that he will faithfully and impartially perform the duties imposed upon him by said appointment according to law, and shall take and subscribe an oath to be indorsed upon said bond or appended thereto, that he will support the constitution of the United States, the constitution of the state of North Dakota and faithfully and impartially discharge the duties of his said appointment according to law and to the best of his ability, and said bond and oath shall be filed and retained in the office of the state treasurer.
§ 8521. Sessions of boards. Compensation. Payment. One session of each of said boards of trustees shall be held each month at the institution under its charge, and the sessions of either hoard shall not in any year exceed twenty-four days in the aggregate, but the governor may, when deemed necessary, call or authorize additional sessions of either board or limit its sessions to less than twenty-four days in the aggregate each year. Each trustee shall receive three dollars per day for each day necessarily employed in attendance upon said sessions and all traveling expenses necessarily incurred therein, to be paid upon the presentation of the proper vouchers containing an itemized statement of the number of days attendance and money actually expended as above provided, duly verified by his oath and approved by the president or secretary of the board; and the state auditor shall audit said claims and draw his warrant upon the state treasurer for the amount allowed, to be paid out of the state treasury.
§ 8522. Presidents of boards. Records. Visiting trustee. Duties. At the first session of either board of trustees after 1983, the appointment of new members for a full term the trustees shall choose one of their number president of the board. Each board of trustees shall keep regular records of its meetings and proceedings which shall be signed by its president and attested by its secretary, and each board shall have power from time to time, as may be deemed necessary, to appoint some member of the board as visiting trustee, and it shall be the duty of such visiting trustee, at least once in each month, to visit the institution of which he is trustee, without previous notice to the officers thereof, and inspect the books and all its concerns and ascertain whether the officers are competent and faithful and the inmates properly governed, cared for and employed, and said visiting trustee shall have power to direct any alteration or change in such matters with the assent of the board of trustees.
§ 8523. Duties of boards. Inspect buildings. Examine inmates. Such boards of trustees respectively shall at each regular session thereof, carefully inspect the buildings, rooms, grounds and precincts of the institution under its charge, and inquire into and examine all matters connected with the government, discipline and