Page:Revised Statutes of the State of North Carolina - Volume 1.djvu/75

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Chap. I.]
  • 49. An act concerning cattle, horses and hogs.
  • 50. An act for the relief of sick and disabled American seamen.
  • 51. An act concerning the repeal of statutes.
  • 52. An act concerning incorporated towns.
  • 53. An act to enable women in certain cases to maintain actions of slander.
  • 54. An act concerning charities.
  • 55. An act for regulating ordinaries.
  • 56. An act concerning the university of North Carolina.
  • 57. An act for the more effectual suppressing of vice and immorality.
  • 58. An act prescribing the mode of recovering against certain officers therein mentioned and their securities.
  • 59. An act concerning apprentices.
  • 60. An act concerning oaths.
  • 61. An act concerning the governor and council of state.
  • 62. An act concerning the improvement of rivers and creeks and to prevent obstructions to their navigation.
  • 63. An act concerning mills and millers.
  • 64. An act concerning the appointment of guardians and the management of orphans and their estates.
  • 65. An act for the relief of insolvent debtors.
  • 66. An act concerning the supreme court.
  • 67. An act concerning courts of equity.
  • 69. An act concerning the powers and jurisdiction of justices of the peace.
  • 70. An act appointing commissioners to take affidavits.
  • 71. An act to empower the several county courts to establish fairs in their respective counties.
  • 72. An act declaring what parts of the common law shall be in force in this State.
  • 73. An act prescribing the salaries and fees of the several officers in this State.
  • 74. An act concerning offices.
  • 75. An act concerning the burning of woods.
  • 76. An act concerning the seat of government and public buildings.
  • 77. An act concerning surety and principal.
  • 78. An act to create a fund for the establishment of common schools.
  • 79. An act providing for the appointment and directing the duties of county trustees.
  • 80. An act concerning bills, bonds and promissory notes.
  • 81. An act prescribing the mode of subjecting the lands of deceased debtors for the payment of their debts.
  • 82. An act concerning auctions and auctioneers.
  • 83. An act concerning the clerks of the county and superior courts.
  • 84. An act concerning deeds and conveyances of lands and slaves, mortgages and powers of attorney, their execution, probate and registration.