Page:Revised Statutes of the State of North Carolina - Volume 1.djvu/76

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[Chap. I.
  • 85. An act concerning sheriffs.
  • 86. An act for limiting the time within which actions may be brought and for quieting the title to lands and slaves, and prescribing the time within which presumption of satisfaction may arise.
  • 87. An act concerning waste.
  • 88. An act concerning gaming.
  • 89. An act concerning the processioning of lands.
  • 90. An act concerning courts of justice, practice, pleas and process.
  • 91. An act concerning registers.
  • 92. An act prescribing the disposition of money remaining in the hands of clerks and sheriffs a certain time.
  • 93. An act concerning court houses, prisons and stocks, and prescribing the appointment and duties of the treasurer of public buildings.
  • 94. An act concerning the appointment and duties of clerks and masters in equirty.
  • 95. An act concerning county revenue and county charges.
  • 96. An act concerning marriage.
  • 97. An act concerning prisoners.
  • 98. An act for the prevention of frauds and fraudulent conveyances.
  • 99. An act concerning estates.
  • 100. An act concerning crimes and punishments.
  • 101. An act concerning executions and execution sales.
  • 102.An act concerning appeals and proceedings in the nature of appeals.
  • 103. An act concerning the General Assembly of the State of North Carolina.
  • 104. An act concerning the public roads, ferries and bridges in this State.
  • 105. An act concerning slaves and free persons of color.
  • 106. An act concerning forcible entry and detainer.
  • 107. An act concerning writs of quo warranto and mandamus.
  • 108. An act to prohibit the circulation of bank notes under five dollars.
  • 109. An act concerning the amendment of process, pleadings and other proceedings at law.
  • 110. An act concerning widows.
  • 111. An act to prevent the taking away of boats, canoes and pettiaugers from landings or elsewhere without leave.
  • 112. An act concerning the public arms.
  • 113. An act concerning proceedings in criminal cases.
  • 114. An act for the better security of personal liberty.
  • 115. An act for establishing public landings and places of inspection, and for the appointment of inspectors and regulation of inspections.
Former acts on the subjects embraced in the revised statutes, and all British statutes repealed after the first of January, 1838. 2. All acts and parts of acts passed before the present session of this General Assembly, the subjects whereof are revised and re-enacted in the revised statutes, or which are repugnant to the provisions therein contained, and all the statutes of England or