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them with St Paul cry out, 'That they deſired to be diſolved and to be with Christ'. The holy martyrs have held up their finger ends, blazing with the fire like ſo many torches, to light their ſouls to the mansions of eternal bliſs, prepared for them by their Redeemer, and ſung triumph and praises to the Lord Jeſus, who strengthened and ſupported them in the midſt of their trial ; and ſome have confeſſed, when the flames have compassed them, and part of their bodies were consumed, that they felt no more pain than a bed of down; and that the coals of fire and devouring flames, appeared like a pleaſant garden of roses and lilies round them.
O that men would be wiſe, and consider theſe things, that they would, with St Paul, die daily to ſin and the curruption of the fleſh, to live to Christ in righteouſneſs and purity of ſpirit; that ſo they might justly lay claim to his merit, and the riches and treaſures of his mercy. For no doubt the conſideration of the ſtupenduous redemption that he had wrought for the ſons and daughters of men, occaſioned what St. John saw, Rev iv. 9 'And when theſe beaſts (whoſe character you will find at large in that