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with their blood, running valiantly to flames and tortures, and not accepting any deliverance that might render them unworthy of the riches and mercy of their Redeemer, who had ſo freely laid down his life to purchaſe them glory and immortality, in a kingdom that laſt as long as God is God, and that is endleſs, and to all-eternity ; here we have (even in cur beſt ſtate) but a glimpſe of the glory that ſhall be revealed, and I how often have good Chriſtians deſpiſed and trampled on all the riches, honour and glory, this world could give, and embraced all the miseries we ſuppoſe can make a man tho mod miſerable of creatures, to follow the guidance of that marvellouſ light that has been revealed; nothing but the riches of Chriſt held forth in his meritorious death and paſſion, could ſatisfy to bound the large deſire of their ſouls: No worlds below, tho’ immutable, adorned with all the gaudy vanities and momentary pleasures, could balance the lead thought of eternal happineſs, and many times raptures of joy, in holy and pious contemplations, have raiſed them to heaven itſelf, in imagination, whilſt their bodies have remained on earth, and made