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Page:Rite of Consecration of a Catholic Bishop.djvu/17

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which he incenses, as usual, and then continues the prayers of Mass, to the end of the Epistle and Tract.

The Elect is conducted by the Assisting Bishops to his Chapel. There the cope is taken off, and he is vested with sandals, pectoral cross, flowing stole, tunic, dalmatic, chasuble, and maniple. He then proceeds to the Altar, and recites the service of the Mass, to the end of the Epistle and Tract. But at the Dominus vobiscum, he does not turn to the people.

Besides the Collects of the Day, one is said, the last in order, for the Bishop Elect, and is as follows:


ADesto supplicationibus nostris omnipotens Deus, ut quod humilitatis nostræ gerendum est ministerio, tuæ virtutis impleatur effectu. Per Dominum, &c.

Let us pray.

BE propitious in Thy mercy, to our humble petitions, O Almighty God! that what is to be conducted by our lowly ministy, may have its completion from Thy effectual power, through Jesus Christ our Lord, &c.

The Epistle and Tract being finished, the consecrating Bishop sits down.

The Bishop Elect stands before him.

The Consecreting Bishop thus addresses the Elect:

EPiscopum oportet judicare, interpretari, consecrare, ordinare, offerre, baptizare, et confirmare.

IT is the duty of a Bishop to judge, to interpret the Scriptures, to consecrate, to ordain, to make oblation, to baptize, and to confirm.

All rise, and the Consecrating Bishop standing mitred, says to the Congregation:

ORemus, fratres charissimi, ut huic Electo, utilitati Ecclesiæ providens benignitas ommipotentis Dei, gratiæ suæ tribuat largitatem. Per

LET us pray, my dearest brethren, that Almighty God, providing, in His beneficence, for the utility of His Church, may bestow a plenteous-