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Page:Rite of Consecration of a Catholic Bishop.djvu/16

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Int. Anathematizas etiam omnem hæresim, extollentem se adversus hanc sanctam Ecclesiam Catholicam?

Q. Dost thou also anathematize every Heresy, which lifteth itself up against this holy Catholic Church?

℟. Anathematizo.

A. I do anathematize them.

Int. Credis etiam veram resurrectionem ejusdem carnis, quam nunc gestas, et vitam æternam?

Q. Dost thou also believe in a true resurrection of the same flesh which thou now bearest, and a life everlasting?

℟. Credo.

A. I believe.

Int. Credis etiam Novi et Veteris Testamenti, Legis, et Prophetarum, et Apostolorum unum esse Auctorem Deum ac Dominum omnipotentem?

Q. Dost thou also believe that of the New and the Old Testament, of the Law, and of the Prophets, and of the Apostles, there is but one and the same author, God the Lord Almighty?

℟. Credo.

A. I believe.

Then the Consecrator says,

HÆC tibi fides augeatur a Domino, ad veram et æternam beatitudinem, dilectissime Frater in Christo.

MAY this faith be increased for thee by the Lord, unto thy true and eternal bliss, most beloved brother in Christ.

All answer, Amen.

The examination being ended, the Elect is conducted, by the Assisting Bishops, to the Consecrating Bishop, and kneeling before him, reverently kisses his hand.

The Consecrating Bishop's Mitre is taken off, and turning to the Altar with his Assistants, he begins the Confiteor in the usual manner; the Elect remaining at his left hand. The Assistant Bishops, with their Chaplains, say the Confiteor, at their seats.[1]

This being said, the Consecrating Bishop goes up to the Altar,
  1. For this part of the service, see the Ordinary of the Mass in the Missal.