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Page:Robert's Rules of Order - 1915.djvu/64

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[§ 15

motion applied to them, except the motions to fix the time to which to adjourn, and to take a recess, which may be amended. But after the assembly has actually taken up the orders of the day or a question of privilege, debate and amendment are permitted and the subsidiary motions may be applied the same as on any main motion. These motions are as follows, being arranged in order of precedence :

Privileged Motions.

Fix the Time to which to Adjourn (if made while another question is pending) 16

Adjourn (if unqualified and if it has not the effect to dissolve the assembly) 17

Take a Recess (if made when another question is pending) 18

Raise a Question of Privilege 19

Call for Orders of the Day 20

15. Some Main and Unclassified Motions. Two main motions (to rescind and to ratify) and several motions which cannot conveniently be classified as either Main, Subsidiary, Incidental, or Privileged, and which are in common use, are hereafter explained and their privileges and efifects given. They are as follows :

Take from the Table 35

Reconsider 36

Rescind 37

Renewal of a Motion 38

Ratify 39

Dilatory, Absurd, or Frivolous Motions 40

Call of the House 41