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Page:Robert's Rules of Order - 1915.djvu/65

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§ 16]

Art. III. Privileged Motions.

See 14 for a list and the general characteristics of these motions.

16. To Fix the Time to which the Assembly shall Adjourn.*[1] This motion is privileged only when made while another question is pending and in an assembly that has made no provision for another meeting on the same or the next day. The time fixed cannot be beyond the time of the next meeting. If made in an assembly that already has provided for another meeting on the same or the next day, or if made in an assembly when no question is pending, this is a main motion and may be debated and amended and have applied to it the other subsidiary motions, like other main motions. Whenever the motion is referred to in these rules the privileged motion is meant, unless specified to the contrary.

This motion when privileged takes precedence of all others, and is in order even after it has been voted to adjourn, provided the chairman has not declared the assembly adjourned. It can be amended, and a vote on it can be reconsidered. When the assembly

  1. * In Congress this motion was given the highest rank of all motions, but it was so utilized for filibustering pur- poses and there was so little need of such a motion in an assembly meeting daily for months, that in the last revi- sion of the rules it was omitted from, the list of privi- leged motions. In ordinary assemblies having short or infrequent sessions its usefulness outweighs the harm that may be done by its improper use.