The Others.He's right.—Out of France with the Austrian!
La Contat [in the midst of the Crowd].Why?
The Crowd.What?—What do you mean?
La Contat [showing herself].Yes, why? Are you mad to say such things about the most charming of women?
The Crowd.Who dares say anything good of the Austrian here?—Good Lord, why, it's an insult to us!
Desmoulins [to La Contat].Don't say another word. You'd better get out and not answer them.
La Contat.I am in no hurry.
Desmoulins.They're gathering strength from all sides.
La Contat.So much the better!
A Vagabond.What did you say, aristocrat? What did you say?
La Contat [brushing hint aside].Don't sniff at me. I said, Long live the Queen!
The Crowd [exasperated].By God!
A Clerk.There's a girl who needs a good thrashing.
La Contat.There's a face that needn't wait for one! [She slaps him.]
The Clerk.Help! [Some laugh, others shout.]
The Crowd [gathering round].Come and see!—What's the matter?—An aristocrat assaulting a patriot!—Into the river!
Desmoulins.Citizens, it's only a joke.
The Crowd [furiously].To the river!
Hulin [bullying the Crowd].Here! [He stands