Page:Roman Constitutional History, 753-44 B.C..djvu/301

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287 coknlM conaon, institnted, 61 ; functions of, fl2; anthdrized to select senators, 70, 76 ; not to deprive a citizen of the right of soffrage, 81 ; may in- troduce new rules of enrollment, 81; second term prohibited, 89; useful to the nobility, 105 ; zenith of the office, 115; powers re- stricted, 121; powers and oppor- tunities, 142-143; temporary aboli- tion of, 204-205 ; restriction of powers, 239; censorial powers of Caesar, 267, 268. cenaorthip, see Censors, cenaua, the Servian, 21; period of, 61; of fifth Servian clsiss, reduced, 118-119; Caesar's provision for, 280. ceotttria capite cenaorom, 86, 119- 120. ceotoria praerogativa, 120. centuries, the ^vian, 22-23; based • on districts, 119; the equestrian, 8, 20, 23; their prior vote, 36, 119, 121; selected by censors, 62; cen- sus of, 116 ; disappear from active service, 181-182; see Aristocracy qf wealth. certns ordo magistratnom, 139-140. Cicero, Marcus Tullius, sketch of, 213; supports Manilian law, 220- 221, 222, 224-226; consular candi- date, 225; opposes law of Rnllus, 227; defends Rabirius, 227, 228; baffles Catiline, 229-230; executes five conspirators, 230-231 ; legality of the act, 231; insurrection sup- pressed, 231, 232; banishment of, 23»-240; recaU, 241-242, 244, 245, 247; defends Milo, 250. ClBna, Lucius Cornelius, consul for 87 B.C., 195, 196; supremacy of, 196-197 ; chuacter of his adminis^ tration, 197. dtizens, rights and duties of, 7-8; rights within the Latin league, 25; rights of (ca. 287 B.C.) , 87 ; enrolled and classified by Appius, 79; by dtizens (continued), Rullianus, 80-81; by Flaminius, 118-119, 154-155; territory occu- pied by, 99; local self-government, 99; without political rights, 99, 148; enrollment of the new, 191, 196, 198, 200. the number of, in 252-247 B.C., 108; in 234 and 204 B.C., 128; from 204 to 136 B.C., 148-149; in 13&- 125 B.C., 164-165; in 115 B.C., 176; in 86 B.C., 197; in 70 B.C., 216-217. dtisenship, admission to, 11 ; acqui- sition of, 94, 97 ; without political rights, 95-96, 97, 109-110, 148; question of extending, 147; to be conferred on certain Latins, 184; of the aUies, 167, 174, 190-191, 198; regulated by Sulla, 200; granted to transpadane Latins, 260; ex- tended by Caesar, 275-276. dvitaa sine suilragio, 95-96, 97, 109- 110, 148; see Cfitizens, clan, the Latin, 3; the younger, 20; the patridan, abolish the mon- archy, 26; their aim, 27-28. class, equestrian, see Aristocracy qf wealth, classes, the five Servian, 22 ; the mid- dle and lower, losses of, in second Punic war, 129-130. Claudius, Appius, the decemvir, 53- 54; the censor, 78-81. davus, 104. dients, 3, 8^, 24, 48^19, 71, 78, 129, 157. . Clodius, see PiUcher. colleges, the priestly, quasi-popular election of, introduced, 180; abol- ished, 205; restored, 228; in- creased by Sulla, 206 ; by Caesar, 265. colonies, the Latin, 94-96, 96; the new, in 334-273 B.C., 97; the last, 97, 99-100; contingents of, 101 proposed representation of, 125 in second Punic war, 130-131, 133 not granted dtizenship, 147, 158,