Page:Roman Constitutional History, 753-44 B.C..djvu/302

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coUmitt 288 Dxonit coloiiies (continited). 167, 174; obtain citizenship, 190- 19L Roman, 96, 13^-133, 148, 161; of Gains Gracchus, 172, 176; pro- posed by Satnminns, 183-184, 185 ; Capoa, 198, 237; self-government of, 99; onder Sulla, 206-207; colo- nies of Sulla, 206; of Caesar, 275. comitia tzibuta, established, 57; elects the quaestors, 57; elects military tribunes, 70, 77, 127. commissioners, three police, 83 ; agra- rian, 160-161, 162. condliom plebis, see Plebeian as- sembly. consols, institution of, 28; collegiate tenure, 28; term, 28-29; insignia, 29; powers, 2&-31; admission to the senate, 33, 76-76; position in senate, 34r-35 ; jpowers to be defined by a commission, 50, 51 ; do not im- pose the highest fine, 51; bound by laws of Twelve Tables, 53 ; lose right of selecting senators, 75, 76 ; loss of power, 89-90, 142 ; authority limited by provincial praetors, 111 ; reelection of, 73, 124, 140, 203; reU- gions vetoi 141 ; quasi-dictatorial power, 126, 142 ; to remain in Rome, 203; consular term shortened, 270. coanbivm, see Jus conu&it. coort of ten, 45, 56; for cases of ex- tortion, 145-146; corruption of the equestrhin courts, 186-187 ; Sulla's reorganization of the courts, 205- 206; Caesar's reforfo of, 27&-280. Czassns, Biarcus Licinius, 198 ; sketch of, 212; combines with Pompeius and the democrats, 215-216; first consulship, 218-217 ; projects, 223- 224, 225, 231, 234 ; in the first tri- nmvirate, 235, 236, 237, 243; con- ference at Luca, 244-245; second consulship, 246-247 ; death of, 261- 252. cora annonae, 242; see Distribution of grain. cozies, organization of, ^10; see Ctaiaie assembly. cozio, 9 ; maximus, 9 ; election of, 35, 127. debt, law concerning, 41, 62; licinian provision regarding, 66-67, 70, 76; canceUation of debts, 83, 228, 261, 262; one-fourth to be paid, 197; Caesar's law rttpecting, 266. decemvizs, the election and powers of, 61; the first, 52; the last, 64. decemviri saczls fadondis, 67; elec- tion of, 180; see Duoviri saeris fadundis and Priestly colleges. decemvizi stlitibos Jodicandis, see Court of ten. democzats, 179; ascendency of, 180- 181; rule of, 197; adherents and aims of, 213-214; combine with Pompeius and Crassus, 215-216. denazina, weight and value of, 122- 123,188. dictator legibos scribondis et zei pob- licae constitoendae, 199, 264; per^ petutts, 268. dictatozship, establishment of, 32; powers limited, 90, 107 ; disappear- ance of, 126; nature of Sulla's, 198-199; Caesar's first, 261-262; second, 262; nature of these dic- tatorships, 264; Caesar's, for ten years, 267 ; for life, 268. director, general, of curies, elected, 35,127. districts, the four Servian, 21; the city and country, 81 ; four organ- ized in 387 B.C., 62; military pay by, 63; two in 358 B.C., 72, 96 ; two in 332 B.C., and two in 318 B.C., 97 ; two in 299 B.C., 98 ; two in 241 B.C., 109; relation to centuries, 119; each district elects Jurors, 191-192; the districts, 200-201. domi, 30-31, 203. Drosoa, Marcus Livius, laws of, 187- 188; support of, 188; proposes