Page:Rover Boys Down East.djvu/286

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"Now you go, Dick!" cried Sam. "If you are weak and fall, I'll catch you."

"It was quite a task for Dick to gain the rocks at the top of the pool and once he came close to giving up and slipping back into the water. But he was gritty, and Tom assisted him by leaning down on his breast and extending a helping hand. Then Sam came up, and the three Rovers stood beside the two men who had come to their rescue.

"Phew! I am glad we are out of that!" murmured Sam, as he looked back at the cold and gruesome waters.

"We don't want to stay here!" cried Dick. We want to get after the Sobber crowd—before they have a chance to leave the island!"

"How can they leave the island?" questioned Sam. "I don't think they have a boat. I haven't seen any."

"But Jerry Koswell's crowd has a boat, Sam—that swift motor craft."

"Do you think they would aid such criminals as Sobber and Crabtree?"

"They might—just to get the best of us."

"Then the sooner we get after our enemies the better."

"Where are your pistols?" asked the captain of the steam tug.