Page:Rover Boys Down East.djvu/287

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"Mine was taken from me by Sobber," answered Dick.

"And ours are at the bottom of the pool," added Sam. "We both dropped 'em when we plunged into the water." And then he and his brothers acquainted Captain Wells and the old sailor with the particulars of their adventures since entering the cavern.

"Well, I still have my pistol!" cried Captain Wells, grimly.

"And I've got a good club," came from Larry Dixon.

"We can arm ourselves with clubs," said Dick. "But the main thing just now is to keep those rascals in sight. If they slip us, there will be no telling where they will go to."

With eyes and ears on the alert, the whole party made its way through the big cave, coming out of the main opening, not far from where the campfire still lay smouldering.

"They certainly left in a hurry," remarked Tom, as he gazed around. "They didn't wait to pick up all of their provisions."

"I guess they got scared," murmured Dick. "Well, they'll get more scared when they find we are so close on their heels."

"Where do you suppose they went to?" asked the captain.