Page:Rover Boys in Camp.djvu/210

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This was thought to be a good idea, and soon the stones were secured and each cadet took careful aim.

Three of the snakes were hit, one quite seriously. These retreated, but the other snakes remained as defiant as ever.

"There must be a nest under the rocks," said Tom. "Were that not so I am sure the snakes would leave at once."

"I've got another idea!" cried Fred. "Why didn't we think of it before?"

"I haven't thought of it yet, Fred," grinned Tom. "What is it?"

"Let us take our fishing rods and tie one fast to another. Then we can turn the boat around and go fishing on the rocks for our clothes."

"That's the talk," rejoined Powell. "A good idea, Fred."

Three of the rods were pieced together, making a fishing pole over thirty feet long. The boat was then swung around, and while two kept the craft in place the others went fishing for the clothing.

The task was not so easy as it looked, and the snakes whipped around and hissed in a most alarming fashion. More than once they had a coat or other garment on the pole only to drop it again. But they persevered and soon had every-