Page:Rover Boys in Camp.djvu/211

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thing on board but Fred's shirt and one of Tom's shoes.

"Here comes the shirt," cried Tom, at last, and landed the garment in the bow of the rowboat

"And a snake with it!" screamed Sam. "Look out, everybody!"

Sam was right, the snake was there and in a trice was whipping around under the seat.

"Stamp on him, Fred!" cried Tom, and Garrison, who had his shoes on, did so. Then Tom caught the reptile by the tail and flung it into the lake.

After this there was but little trouble in getting the remaining shoe, and with this aboard they sent the rowboat out into the lake and lost no time in finishing their dressing.

"This was a truly horrible experience," was Sam's comment, after the excitement had died down. "Gracious, I feel as if the snakes were crawling around me this minute!"

"Don't say that," said Fred with a shudder. "You make me feel as if there was another snake in my shirt."

"The best thing to do is to forget the snakes," put in Songbird Powell. "Let us row around to the other side of the lake."

All were willing, and soon the vicinity was left far behind. Then they came to where a fair sized