Page:Rover Boys in the Mountains.djvu/95

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Tom. "If we got to Oak Run at three in the morning, what would we do? There would be no one there to meet us, and it's a beastly hour for rousing anybody out."

So they decided to put up at a hotel in Ithaca, and went around to a new place called the Students' Rest. The hotel was fairly well filled, but they secured a large apartment with two double beds.

"There's a nice concert on this evening by a college glee club," said Sam. "I move we get tickets and go."

"Second the motion," said Tom promptly.

"The motion is put and carried," put in Dick just as promptly. "I trust, though, the concert don't make us weep."

"They won't know we're there, so perhaps they won't try it on too hard," said Sam, and there the students' slang came to an end for the time being.

The concert was quite to their taste, and they were surprised, when it was over, to learn that it was after eleven o'clock.

"I hadn't any idea it was so late," exclaimed Dick. "We'd better be getting back to the hotel, or we won't get our money's worth out of that room."

"That's right," laughed Tom. "Although, to tell the truth, I'm not very sleepy."