Page:Rover Boys in the Mountains.djvu/96

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Several blocks were covered when Sam, who was looking across the street, uttered a cry of astonishment.

"Look!" he exclaimed.

"At what?" asked both Tom and Dick.

"Over in front of that clothing store. There is Dan Baxter, and Jasper Grinder is with him!"

"Sam is right," came from Dick. "They must have struck up some sort of a friendship, or they wouldn't be here together."

"Let's go over and see what Baxter has to say for himself," said Tom boldly.

"All right," returned Dick. "But we want to keep out of a row; remember that."

They crossed the street and walked straight up to Baxter and Jasper Grinder, who were holding an animated conversation in the doorway of a clothing establishment which was closed for the night.

As they came up, Sam caught the words, "There is money there, sure," coming from Baxter. He paid no attention to the words at the time, but remembered them long afterward, and with good reason.

"Hullo, Baxter!" said Dick, halting in front of the bully.

Dan Baxter gave a start, as if detected in some wrong act. Then, as the light from an electric