Page:Royal Naval Biography Marshall sp2.djvu/26

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guns, in which brig he captured the following armed vessels, on the Leeward Islands station:

Jalouse French privateer, of 4 guns and 75 men; Confiance privateer, pierced for 16 guns, but mounting only 7, with a complement of 70 men; and the Revanche letter of marque, of 6 guns and 44 men, laden with provisions, from Bourdeaux bound to Guadaloupe. This latter vessel, pierced for 18 guns, had been a very successful privateer all the war, and was intended to be again fully armed and manned, as soon as her cargo was discharged.

Captain Sanders obtained post rank June 2, 1809.

Agents.– Messrs Stilwell.

[Post-Captain of 1809.]

Youngest son of George, the first Marquis Townshend, by his second lady, Anne, daughter’ of Sir William Montgomery, Bart.

This officer was born Sept. 11, 1785; and he appears, by Mr. James’s account, to have been first Lieutenant of the Atlas 74, in Sir J. T. Duckworth’s action, off St. Domingo, Feb. 6, 1806[1], His promotion to the rank of Commander took place Nov. 14 following.

On the 15th Aug. 1807, Lord James Townshend addressed an official letter to Vice-Admiral Berkeley, commander-in-Chief at Halifax, of which the following is a copy:

“Sir,– I beg leave to represent to you, that the five men named in the margin[2], belonging to H.M. sloop Halifax, under my command; when sent with a petty officer in the jolly-boat, in Hampton roads, on the 7th March last, to weigh a kedge-anchor, which had previously been dropped for the purpose of swinging the ship by, taking advantage of the dusk of the evening, mutinied upon the petty officer, some of them threatening to murder him; but the rest interfering they desisted. However, taking the boat under their own command, they succeeded in deserting, by landing at
  1. See Nav. Hist. Vol. IV. p. 282; and Royal Nav. Biog. Vol. I, Part I. note at p. 262.
  2. Richard Hubert, Henry Saunders, Jenkin Radford, George North, and William Hill.