Page:Royal Naval Biography Marshall sp2.djvu/27

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Sewell’s point. The whole of the above-mentioned deserters, I have since been informed, entered on board the U. S. frigate Chesapeake, and were seen by me and several of my officers parading the streets of Norfolk in triumph, under the American flag. A few days after their desertion, I accosted one of these men, Henry Saunders, asking the reason of his deserting, and received for answer, that he did not intend any thing of the kind, but was compelled by the rest to assist, and would embrace the first opportunity of returning. At that moment Jenkin Radford, one of the said deserters, coming up, took the arm of the said Henry Saunders, declaring with an oath, that neither he, nor any of the rest of the deserters, should return to this ship; and with a contemptuous gesture told me that he was in the land of liberty, and instantly dragged the said Henry Saunders away.

“Finding that my expostulating any longer would not only be useless in obtaining the deserters, but in all probability have collected a mob of Americans, who no doubt would have proceeded to steps of violence, I instantly repaired to the house of Colonel Hamilton, the British Consul there, and related every circumstance which occurred, and applied to him, as also to Lieutenant Sinclair, of the rendezvous for the United States’ service, to recover the said deserters, but without effect.

“Being since informed that Jenkin Radford has been recovered in action on board the U.S. frigate Chesapeake, with H.B.M. ship Leopard[1], and is now a prisoner on board H.M.S. Bellona, I have to request that you will be pleased to direct a court-martial may be assembled for the purpose of trying the said Jenkin Radford, for the within-mentioned charges of mutiny, desertion, and contempt. I have the honor to be, &c.

(Signed)J. Townshend.”

From the minutes of the court-martial it appears that Jenkin Radford (a native of the British metropolis), was found in the Chesapeake’s coal-hole; and that, being seen by the Purser of the Leopard, he was immediately recognized by him as a man who had been discharged from her to the Halifax. When called upon for his defence, he stated, that the evidence brought against him was so strong, there was but little left for him to say; that the reason of his hiding himself in the coal-hole was for fear of the Americans making him fight against his country, which he declared he would not do on any account: that he, with all the men who deserted from the Halifax, were persuaded by the boatswain of the Chesapeake to enter for her, which they did. Lieutenant Sinclair