Page:Royal Naval Biography Marshall sp2.djvu/78

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short distance of her[1]. Captain Monke has not since been employed.

Agent.– J. Dufaur, Esq.

A Companion of the Most Honorable Military Order of the Bath.
[Post-Captain of 1810.]

This officer is a son of the late Rev. Geoffrey Hornby, rector of Winwick, a valuable living in Lancashire, by Miss Lucy Stanley, sister to the present Earl of Derby. He was made a Lieutenant, Nov. 16, 1804; Commander, Aug. 15, 1806; and Post-Captain, Feb. 16, 1810: but he does not appear to have had any opportunity of distinguishing himself until March 13, 1811; on which day he commanded the Volage a 22 gun ship, and bore a very conspicuous part in the action off Lissa, officially described at pp. 472–476 of Vol. II. Part I[2]. The Volage, on that occasion, was very much cut up in her hull, masts, sails, and rigging: her loss amounted to 13 killed and 33 wounded.

On Captain Hornby’s return to his native place, a deputation of the inhabitants of Winwick waited upon him to offer their congratulations upon his safety, and to convey the wishes of the parish at large that he would honor with his presence a public festival, to be celebrated upon the 26th Aug. 1812, in commemoration of the victory off Lissa, and as a tribute of their respect for himself and his family[3].

Captain Hornby subsequently commanded the Stag 36 and Spartan 38, which latter frigate he paid off about July, 1816. He married, Nov. 22, 1S14, a daughter of the late Lieutenant-General Burgoyne.

Agents.– Messrs. Cooke, Halford, and Son.

[Post-Captain of 1810.]

Grandson of the late Earl of Aberdeen, and brother to the present peer.

  1. See Nav. Chron. Vol. xxv, pp. 64–56.
  2. See note * at the latter page.
  3. See Nav. Chron. Vol. xxvii, pp. 204–212.