Page:Royal Naval Biography Marshall v4p2.djvu/223

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The conduct of Lieutenant Fraser, in the several expeditions which he has commanded, has been that of a gallant and steady officer.[1]

On the 8th Aug., a detachment of 400 men, commanded by Lieutenant-Colonel Kelly, proceeded in boats up the Dalla river, accompanied by a party of seamen and marines of the Larne, under Lieutenant Fraser.

“After entering a large creek on the east side of Dalla, and proceeding two miles, two stockades were observed, one on each bank of the river, immediately opposite to each other, and both in commanding situations, particularly that on the left bank, which the lieutenant-colonel instantly decided on attacking. The boats were hove to for a short time, to maUe the necessary preparations; and as soon as these were completed, the whole moved on under a heavy fire from the guns and musketry in both stockades. The landing was effected under an incessant fire from them, and after great labour and exertion in getting through the mud, which was remarkably stiff, and thigh deep, the scaling ladders were placed, and the stockade stormed and immediately carried. Some of the troops then re-embarked, crossed the river, and took possession of the opposite stockade. In his official report to Sir A. Campbell, the lieutenant-colonel expressed himself “highly indebted to Lieutenant Fraser, whose unremitting exertions, throughout the affair, greatly contributed towards the success of the day[2].” In a letter addressed to the senior officer of H.M. squadron on the East India station. Captain Marryat says, “the gallantry of the officers employed in this expedition deserves the highest encomiums. I am sorry that our list of killed and wounded is so heavy[3]; but it will be accounted for when I state, that in these attacks the Lascars, who man the other boats, will not pull into the fire unless they are led by the officers and men of H.M. sloop the Larne.[4]

On the 2d Sept., Lieutenant Fraser accompanied Captain