Page:Royal Naval Biography Marshall v4p2.djvu/284

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the Niemen 38, Captain Samuel Pym, on the North American station, Oct. 26th, 1814; appointed to the Tees 26, Captain Thomas Coe, fitting out for the East Indies, July 29th, 1821; and severely wounded while co-operating with the army in Ava, under Sir Archibald Campbell, at the commencement of the Burmese war[1].

After the occupation of Prome, April 25th, 1825, Lieutenant Wilkinson, then first of the Liffey 50, and commanding the light division of the flotilla in the Irrawaddy, under Captain Thomas Alexander, C.B., was despatched up the river, as far as Napadee, to reconnoitre. On the 1st May he returned, having captured eight war-boats, pulling from fifty to sixty oars each, and another laden with guns and small arms. This service was performed without any loss, in presence of five hundred musketeers and fifty horsemen, part of the force commanded by the Prince of Sarrawaddy[2]. The following is an extract of a letter from Captain Coe, addressed to the Secretary of the Admiralty, June 17th, 1825:

“Mr. James Wilkinson, senior lieutenant of H.M. ship under my command, latterly in command of the light division of boats, has been spoken of in the highest terms by Captain Alexander, as well as those serving under him. I have known this officer since 1821, and while serving with me in H.M. ship Tees, and since in the Liffey, I have had frequent opportunities of observing his zeal and abilities.”

This officer was promoted to his present rank on the 31st Jan. 1828.


Obtained his first commission on the 8th Nov. 1806; and served in the expeditions to Monte Video and Walcheren, in 1807 and 1809. He was afterwards successively appointed to the Favorite, Gannet, and Kangaroo sloops; of which latter vessel we find him acting commander, on the West India station, in 1813. His next appointment was, we believe, Dec. 6th, 1813, to the Prince 98, flag-ship at Spithead.