Page:Royal Naval Biography Marshall v4p2.djvu/321

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Obtained his first commission on the 18th July, 1810; and subsequently served under Captain William Elliot, in the Crocodile 28, on the Guernsey and Lisbon stations. On the 31st July, 1821, he was appointed to the Northumberland 78, Captain T. J. Maling, employed as a guard-ship in the river Medway. In the beginning of 1828, we find him commanding the Onyx, 10-gun brig, and proceeding to the coast of Africa, from whence he returned to Portsmouth after an absence of five months. He was advanced to his present rank on the 8th Aug. 1828; and appointed an inspecting commander of the coast guard, July 6th, 1831. On completing his three years service, in command of the southern district, he was presented by the chief officers, the district surgeon, and the boats’ crews of the Crouch River station, with a superb silver snuff-box, “in testimony of the grateful sense they entertain of his kindness toward them whilst under his command, in combining the strictest discipline with unremitting attention to their interest and welfare.”

This officer married, Oct. 23d, 1818, Elizabeth, eldest daughter of Robert Trace, Esq. of Lechdale, co. Gloucester.


Eldest son of the second Earl of Arran, K.P., by his third countess, Elizabeth, daughter of Richard Underwood, Esq.

This officer was born in Ireland, May 14th, 1797; and entered the royal navy in Feb. 1810, as midshipman on board the Revenge 74, Captain the Hon. Charles Paget, employed in the blockade of Cherbourg. On the 15th Nov. following, he witnessed an attack made by a squadron under the orders of Captain (now Sir Pulteney) Malcolm, on two French frigates, lying at anchor between the batteries of La Hogue and Tatillon, the result of which was the destruction of l’Elize, a