Page:Royal Naval Biography Marshall v4p2.djvu/322

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new ship mounting 44 guns[1]. On this occasion he was slightly wounded in the face by a splinter.

Mr. Gore subsequently served under Captain Malcolm and the late Sir Home Popham, in the Royal Oak and Venerable, third rates, the latter ship employed in co-operation with the patriots on the north coast of Spain, where he. was present at the capture of several forts and towns, including those of Lequitio, Bermeo, Plencia, Galea, Algorta, Bagona, El Campillo las Quersas, Xebiles, Castro, and Ano[2]. He afterwards re-joined the Hon. Captain Paget, and proceeded with that officer, in the Superb 74, to North America, where he was very actively employed, principally in the neighbourhood of New London, until the termination of hostilities in 1815. Among other boat services in which he participated, we find him, June 13th, 1814, assisting in the destruction of the ship Fair Trader, of 444 tons, quite new, built for a letter of marque, and intended to mount eighteen long 12-pounders; the brig Independent, of 300 tons, pierced for fourteen guns, and about to be launched as a privateer; 1778 tons of merchant shipping; and a cotton manufactory, lately built, near Wareham, in Buzzard’s Bay, the value of which, with the stores it contained at the time, was estimated by the principal inhabitants at half a million of dollars. This service was performed, without loss, by a division of boats under the command of Lieutenant James Garland, first of the Superb, in the face of a numerous militia. Mr. Gore was also in a rocket boat at the bombardment of Stonington, Aug. 11th, 1814. He returned home under the flag of the late Hon. Sir Henry Hotham, and continued in the Superb, on the Channel station, until after the surrender of Napoleon Buonaparte, in July 1815.

We next find Mr. Gore serving as master’s-mate of the Fury bomb. Captain C. R. Moorsom, at the battle of Algiers; and subsequently in the Egeria 28, on the Newfoundland station, where he was acting lieutenant of the Fly sloop,