Page:Royal Naval Biography Marshall v4p2.djvu/60

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in-chief at the Leeward Islands, he, in accordance with the recommendation of the former distinguished officer, closed with the latter proposal, accompanied the Rear-Admiral to the West Indies, and was, on the occasion of his demise, advanced to the rank of commander, by commission dated Feb. 9th, 1820. In the preceding year, being at the island of St. Thomas during a hurricane, he saved the crew of a Danish vessel, after several unavailing attempts had been made from the shore; for which service he received the thanks of the King of Denmark, conveyed to him through the British Admiralty.

Commander M‘Dougall was appointed to the Nimrod 20, on the Lisbon station, Aug. 27th, 1833. In the beginning of 1834, the boatswain and thirteen of that ship’s crew unfortunately perished by the swamping of one of her boats, whilst employed in attempting to carry an anchor and cable to the Spanish frigate Lealtad, which had been driven on shore, in a gale of wind, near Santander, from whence Commander M‘Dougall returned to Plymouth on the 23d Jan., with intelligence of recent important political changes at Madrid. In June following, he accompanied the Stag frigate, having on board the Portuguese Infant, Dom Miguel, from the neighbourhood of Lisbon to Genoa.

This officer married, Aug. 22d, 1826, Sophia, only daughter of Lieut. Charles Sheldon Timins, R.N., many years commander of an East Indiaman. His elder brother was killed at the storming of Ciudad Rodrigo, in 1812. One of his younger brothers is in the army, and another in the law.


Was made lieutenant into the Swiftsure 74, Captain Edward S. Dickson, on the Mediterranean station, April 3d., 1813. At the end of the war with France, in 1814, he was serving on board the Milford 74, Captain Westby Percival (late flag-ship of Rear-Admiral, afterwards Sir Thomas F. Fremantle), employed in the Adriatic. During the usurpation of Napoleon, in 1815, he was flag-lieutenant to the latter