Page:Royal Naval Biography Marshall v4p2.djvu/61

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officer, at Jersey. His subsequent appointments were, July 23d, 1816, to the Rivoli 78, Captain (now Sir Charles) Ogle, guard-ship in Portsmouth harbour; and Aug. 26th, 1818, to resume his former office under Sir Thomas F. Fremantle, on whose demise he was promoted to the rank of commander, by commission dated Mar. 1st, 1820.


Second son of the late Rev. Roger Frankland, rector of Yarlington, and vicar of Dulverton, both in Somersetshire; a canon-residentiary of the cathedral church of St. Andrew, Wells, by Catherine, sister to Vice-Admiral Lord Colville.[1]

Mr. Edward A. Frankland was born at Yarlington, May 23d, 1 794; and entered the royal navy as midshipman on board the Repulse 74, Captain the Hon. (now Sir Arthur K.) Legge, which ship he joined off the Dardanelles, in the summer of 1807. He subsequently served under Captain Edwin H. Chamberlayne, in l’Unité 38, stationed in the Adriatic; and was removed from that frigate into the Caledonia 120, bearing the flag of Sir Edward Pellew (afterwards Viscount Exmouth), commander-in-chief of the Mediterranean fleet; by whom he was successively appointed acting lieutenant of the Edinburgh 74, Captain the Hon. George H. L. Dundas; and Curaçoa 36, Captain John Tower; in which latter ship he continued (his appointment to her having been confirmed by the Admiralty, Mar. 16, 1814) until paid off in the summer of 1815. He subsequently made a tour in

  1. The Rev. Roger Frankland was the youngest son of Admiral Sir Thomas Frankland, Bart., M.P., proprietor of the borough of Thirsk, co. York, in which county his paternal relatives have been established ever since the Conquest. One of his ancestors, the second Baronet, became possessed of considerable property at Chiswick, co. Middlesex, and in other counties, by the gift of his maternal uncle, the Earl of Fauconberg, on his marriage to that nobleman’s niece, a grand-daughter of Oliver Cromwell. Another stood high in the estimation of Queen Elizabeth, in whose reign he greatly distinguished himself at the capture of Berwick-upon-Tweed.