America, h'ish claims to the discovery 557 n., 564, 569, 570, 572, 575 n., 58$,
of, 63, 64, 65: the Welsh claim to the 589
discovery of, 303-314; early Orkney and Armada, origin of the Spanish, 539: pro-
Shetland communicate with, 324; the pod strength of the Spanish, 540:
struggle with Spain determined the future strategical plan, 541: 5Iedina Sidonia's
of North, 482 general orders Ibr, 548, 549: sailing of,
Amhr Bank, 377 549; religious aspect of, 550; official
Amiens, Peace of (1475), 891 English account of the operati,,ns agnin.-t
-lmit!! takes two Spanish vessels, 501 tile Spanish. 551, .t seq.; leaves Coruuna,
Anchor.% 116 559: its strength while at Lisbon, 560:
"Ancient Towns," The, 106 sighted, tile, 5n3; organisation and tbnna-
Andalusia, Armada of the ships of, 59!! tion of the, 567, 568; flight of tile, 582;
Anderida, 8, 34 losses of the, 583-585; list of English
Attdreu'. 346, 347, 380 n. ships employed against the ,'Spanish, 587-
--of Plymouth, 446 n. 5.17; list of the ships of the Spanish,
Andrews, Andrew, 524 5.18-604; Sulmnaries of the En,lish an, t
--- James, 5st Spanish fleets, 604
Angles, 10 Armagnac, the Count d', 374: declines t-
glescy, squadron sent against, 130 recognise the Treaty of Troyes, the party
".l,,g/& lYtus," 10 of the, 381
Angola, 527 Armament of Spanish and English ships
Xngra, Spanish treasure fleet takes refuge in 1588..561
at, 522 n., 523: English repulse at, 528 Armourer, 147
Anjou, recovery or} ltil Arnold, William, lg0
-- and 5laine, loss ot} 176 Arrest of shipping, 198, 197, 232, 288, 235,
knlafi 14, 40 236, 242, 245, 249, 258, 259, 260, 2112,
.l.n of Greenwich, 427 277, 279, 261, 286, 293, 294, 295, 2t;,, 346, 347 301,369, 372, 379, 381
-- B, nacenture, 596 e il results of, 348
- - I"raaes, 593 Artevelde, .Jacob van, 262
--- (;al&nt, 419, 420 Arthur, King, mythical voyages of, 58 n.
ne of Bohemia, 294 --- death of Prince, 176 .lnne of Malden, 446 n. Articles of War, early, 151 Annehaut, Baron de lqetz, Clmtde d', 461, -Irtigo, 419 462, 4t;:;, 464, 466 Ai'tois, llobert, ('ount of, 255, 260 .bowt, 137 Al'tmdel, Adnfiral Iqichard, ninth Earl ol; Annuities to officers, 346 249 and n., '25% 255, 257, 262, 265, 269 .lswr, 423, 425, 537 tenth Earl of, 154, 289 and n., 29o, .li, tebq% 420, 423, 425, 520 and n., 580, 588 291, 298, 300, 301 5, 592 8Jr John, 244, 292, 293; takes Duncan .I,thm!l, 379, 508, 526, 592 Camldell , 459 -- t,f Saltash, 446 n. Arzina, Bay ot 614, 615 Anthony, Thomas, 595 .qscension, 518, 526, 592, 651, 054, 656 -- William, 503 Ashdmvn, battle of, 37 _ tonio, ]hm, candidate for the throne of Ashchurst, Thomas, 609 l'ortugal, 490: accompanies Drake and Ashley, a wdunteer with Parker, 530 Norreys, 491, 492 -- Captain llenry, 589 .Dunciad, 600 -- 5ir Anthony, 511 and n. l,sam, or Topsham, 595 Ashnla, Adndral Robert, 222 and n. Aquila, Don duan d', 580 Ashton, Admiral Sir Robert, 279 and n., Aqnitaine, troops sent. to, 242 2o, 281,282 Arcco, secretary to l'arma, 577 Astrolabe, Nicholas of Lynn and the, 321 Astrolabe adapted hy Behaim Ibr use in Arctic, Nicholas of Lynn's voyage to the, ] navigation, 400 321 .rcull voyage of, 66 n. .ls,witm, 599, 600, 602; stink by the .rdenl,e, Edward 1II. at the shrine of Rcrc,ge, 496 Our Lady o1 256 Macames 1;ay, lqichard Itawkxns i% 642 ArgD'le, UlSter colonists in, 33 I Athelstan, King, 14, 40, 66 Admiral Sir John ol; 215 and n., 216- -- son of Egert, 36 18 I Athy, Admiral ,'Sir John de, 218, 221 and n., .ri llarsson, vo.age of. 64 t 2"4, 233, 240 .Irk 1loyal, 42.'4, 425, 429, 509, 514, 529 I Atrius, Quintus, 27 -- (or -Irk Rahiyl,), 553 and n., 555 n., Attorncy impressed, 146