Aubyn, l[enry, 12,1 Brk Cl,illord, 4,';6
Audley, Admiral, 388 Flemynt. 566
Augustus Cesar, 7 Ilau*kyns, 590
Aula, J-hn, 131 n. L.mb,
Aulus lq:mtius, 2 .li,tnitqltOn , 5111
Aumont, M:u'shal d', 502, 50:1 Iolts,
Aurea, .hhn de, 2-t l ,t. Lrffl,
Aurolianus, Ambr-sius 33, 34 N, lton, 5!
Aust. he, .hlm, 5 -- - tlhot, 577 n., 59o
Auxe, Per de, 178 IIW,b,
Az-res; crui. to the, 486; Lord Thomas ql' limb n, 419. 122
l[oward's expedition to lhe, 495, 496; oj' .11orlaix, 4 t9
Frobisher and Burgh's voyage to the, Barker (? Master of the I'i, tor),
-t98-5ol; ]talegh rejons Essex at the, , Ednmnd, 652, 65:1, 65t
521; Leveson ordercl to the, 529 Barking Creek, 405
Aztecs said to be connected with the Welsh, Ilarklc? Bay, 526
305 !garlowe, Arthur,
Barne, George,
IgXCK-STA:r, or Davis's quadrant, 403 Barontus,
Bacon, John, 3 Barrett, Robert,
Bacon, on Sea l',wcr, :153 Barris, Peter de, t72
B:wqueville, lie, 361 liartholomew,
Iktdlesmere, 8it Bartholome de, 141 liarton, Andrew, -111, 444, 446M4
Baeshe, Edxx ard, -138 n. B:ilisks, 4 lO, 411
I:tn:tll dcl�:ttl by O'Neill, 330 lasing, 37
Ilaker, Capt. Christopher 589 B,tskervillo, Sir Thomas, 504,
I:ddock, R,,bert, B.tssett, Sir l{alph, 227,
11ahl in, of Flandel, 49, 5l Bassils, .t09, -112
Ilaliol, Edward, lamls in Fiffshi. 2:11; is l{asard camran, 410. 411
cron at Dcoe, 231; is bieged in -- culverin, 408, 41% 411, -117
l'erlh, 23t Baslimentns, the, 33l
John, 206: in alliance with France, lktttayle, Robert de, 137
2o[I; surreuders to l';ngl:md, 210 , Admiral llobert, 224 and n. lgatck, Betenter, 220 Ballad of a tifteenth-centttry passenger-ship, Baudethon, lbginal,I, 131 343, 341 II:dlingers, 143 Igaveux Tal,,,sirx, 76-78, 83 Ilallisla., lo2 I !gaona, 556 anl n. lgayommis seamen rewarded, '2'2: hil,s Baltic, early intercour with the, 55; ta'deredout, 2.10; luadron at Sandwich, voyages to the, ll:mastt% Sir Thomas, 272, 292, 2! 248; ships offbred to Edward IlL, 258: Baneks, l.ldxsai, 592 summoned to attack the l,:mimxls, 272: ig:ulnockburn, battle of, 217 ships take a Spanish covoy, 289: Barbffrtt, t27 Ikty-nne; 462; ]lerIlanl, Bishop o, 103 II:trb.try, comp:my of traders to, 44o; him of ships from, 121; the Cinque Forts White's voyage I% 5ol; trade with, 611 a war with, 1, 203; onlered to assist Barbemi: see Boc:megra in the delbnce of the kingdom, 228: Ilarbotire, shipwreck of M. de la, 633 calll upon fi,r shipping, 237; xesels Ibtt't dc .ltttbqt' I;0[ x.quisitioued fr,,m, I;,trea de .lttZblur, I;Ot Baxter, Roert, 5S9 lku'd, Adndral I'eter, 217 and n., 234, 243, Bazan, Don Alonso tl% 4t, -1, 11G, 3ol
Admiral Sir William, 381 lk. acon%
II:trdsey Island, a 8cot's ship taken at, 337 establishol on the co:tsts, 240 Barlh.ur, 16-t, 175, 176; hil,s taken at, lirot a[ the al,l,rwh of Ihe Arereda, 263 5;3 and n. Baris, William de, 1,o lb'at, 423, 425 Ibtrk Boltd, 577 11., 3}t) [ or 113ite Hear. 565, 572, 575 - Bonu,.r, 5i,) 581 n., 588, 5i, 65o - Buyyius. 5l },nye, 577 n., Bart, 5ll2 Ib,u"s II%clp,