Cobham, Admiral Sir John, 234 — Admiral Sir Reginald de, Lord, 251, 255, 261 and n., 267, 269 — William, Lord, 551 n. Cock, Edward, 592 — Sir John, 273 Cogs, 111, 112, 143 "Coket," 243 Cole, Humphrey, invents the log and line, 402 Coligny, D'Andelot de, 472 and n. "Collett," 338, 339 Collision, 108 Colthurst, Christopher, 526, 592 Columba, St., 61 Columbe, La, 401 n. Columbers, Sir Matthew de, 130 Columbus, Christopher, 400; observes the variation of the needle, 401 Colville, Sir John, 370, 371 Colyn, John, 275 Comersall, William, 115 n. "Comes Britanniarum," 59 "Comes Litton's Saxonici," 30, 58 "Comitres," 129, 143 Commander, 385 n. Commerce, Anglo-Saxon, 19 Commission for naval affairs, 236 — of national defence, 287 Commissioners of the Navy Office, 437, 438 Commons, complaints of the, 280 Comnenus opposes Richard I., 170, 171 Company, obligation to keep, 430 Compass, the mariner's, 12, 147, 312 n., 327, 342 "Complaynt of Scotland," extract from the, 415 et seq. Complement of the Henry Grace à Dieu, 409 Complements, 100, 102, 137, 144 Compostella, pilgrims to, 396 Compton, sinking of a ship commanded by Captain, 455 Comptrollers of Ships, 437 n. Conan of Brittany defeated, 161 Concepcion, 599
— de Capetillo, 602 — de Carusa, 602 — de Francisco de Latero, 602 — de Juanes del Cano, 598 — de Somanila, 602 — de Valmaseda, 602 — de Zubelzu, 598
Condé, Henri de, 483 Conduct-money, 427, 428 Conny, John, 596 Conquêt, Le, 450, 455; burnt, 388, 473 Consent, 526 and n. Conservation of the navy, 338 Constable, Marmaduke, 647 Constables, 130 and n., 143 Constance, 526 and n. Constantius, 31, 32 Consul at Pisa, Strozzi appointed English, 398 Content, 427 n., 636, 638; brilliant defence of the, 497 Contraband of war, 219, 220 Contract, guardianship of the coasts undertaken by, 295: police of the seas carried out by, 348, 349: the war in Flanders undertaken by, 295 Convoy, 198, 237, 316; to Brittany, 285; to Gascony, 272, 300, 301; neglect of, 248 Conyers, Sir Robert, 272 Cooke, Benjamin, 593 Coracles, 2, 56; ancient Irish, 60 and n., 61: in America, 311 Cordage, 120 Cork, Warbeck at, 446 Cormac, Mac Art, 59, 61 Corn trade in early times, 57 Cornet Castle retaken, 262, 263; besieged, 284 Cornewalshe, Admiral James, 371 Cornhill, Reginald de, 114, 116 — William de, 116 Cornish, Hugh, 591 — William, 590 — pirates, 369 Cornwall ravaged, 290; Spanish design on, 523 — Piers Gaveston, Earl of, 214, 215 n., 216 Coro sacked by Preston, 651 Corrientes, action off Cape, 497 Cortes, Martin, his "Compendium," 402 Corunna, John of Gaunt at, 209; attacked by Drake and Norreys, 191; Spanish preparations in, 494; Howard and Essex look into, 517; Essex's fleet reported at, 521; Spanish preparations at, 528; Monson directed to watch, 336; the Spanish Armada at, 549 Cosa's map, Juan de la, 608, 609, 646 Cossard, Janyn, 346 Cost of the early navy, 345 Cotch, Thomas, 526 Coterell, Admiral Patrick, 371 Council of War, 373, 534 — to assist Howard and Essex, a, 511 Countess, 116 Count of the Saxon Shore, 30 Courtenay, Sir Hugh, 296 n. — Sir Edward, 375 — Sir Peter, 290 and n. — Admiral Sir Philip, 282, 285, 290 n., 293 — Robert de, 186, 189, 190 Court-martial, early examples of, 139 Cowes, 434 Cowey Stakes, 28 Coxe, William, 570, 575 n., 591 Coxon, William, 596 Crabbe, John, 231, 232, 250, 255 — Stephen, 120