Craccbere, 34C,, 347 Damme, capture of Spanish ships bound for,
Crafton, Willi:un, 524 20,q; French fleet. at, 1; qtn Eleanor
t'raie, 4_,, 4_0, 495 n., 509, ")q 530 collects a fleet at, 201; the Earl of
I 'rannoges, 2 lmry's naval success ofi 181
"Craudon": see Crozon. Damnonii,
- rayers, 143, 144, 427 Danegeld, 1;, 17, 42, -t:L : remitte, l by
Cr&y, batlie of, 264 [ Stephen, 92; revived, 78, 79 t 5'esced, 5D5 Danelagh, 1;. 18, 43
'rcent lhrnmtion tbr fleets, 109 Danes, the, banished from England, 48;
Cressets in lighthouses, 125 bribed by XVilliam I., 88; in Northum- Creye, Adlniral Willlain de, 217 and n., l,ria, 14; intinddated by William Ifs 218 fleet, 8D: massacre of fle, 43 masters Criol, Bertram de, 121 of the arrow Seas, 18: naval action �ipps, XVilliam, 5tn; with the, 39; storm York, 88 I 'toils, Sir ,James &, 55l lYAngle, Sir Gumhard, _, _, I'l-Oltler, 3D ,, 596 'romxxell, Edward. third Lord. 519 and n. lanish raiders, 13, 35. 3;, 37
Admiral Sir John de. 225 -- seizm'e of an English nerchantman, ir 1tichat, I, 453, 45; 315
Crook, near hVatcrlbrd, 1;3, 17 Danzig, trade with. 3 Cross-st:tfi the, 400, 401, 403 D'Arcv, Admind Sir Philip, o� � l'rosse, Captain Sir Robert, 4 n., 498, 500, -- John, Lord, 260 5o and n., oxo, _., 576 anti n., 582 n., Philip with Lord, 356 5 -- Thomas, Lor, l, 448 Crotoy, French convoy taken oil 2 Darell, Sir M:trmadukc, 438 n., 513, 556 Crown offbred to Louis of France, the, 184 and n. Crozon, 14o. 141, 50: Darien, Isthmus ot Drake on the, ('r,,'ifijo, I;02 R:degh's plan to cross the, 498 Crusade against Tunis. 301 D,,'li,g, 65] Crusades, the 164, 190, �0"; stimulating llartmouth, 139, 178, 183, _9, 301, 565, efibcts ot 97 627, 655; and Lynn, hostilities beteen, Cruxeburg, 137 124; burnt, "'- crnsading fit as- 'ulverins, 40Dll, 417 semi,led at, 165, l;t;; fleet asscmhle, l at, I'ulnl,crland, Geor,e Clifika'd, Earl of: first "-q- Frcneh detbat at, 31;1; I;enoese explitital, 485, 481;, 490; third expe- c:u'rack driven into, 378; pillaged by the dition, 493; Iburth expedition, 4, 495: FrellCh 8;1; ships assembled at, 285; lilkh expe, lition, 50o n., 7)1; sixth exl,e- ships in the Seine, 296; Spanish ship dition, 5ol, 502; scventh expedition, 503, driven into, 524 5o4; eighth expcdititah 508; ninfl ex- lasent, Mr. J. R., quote,l, 482 pedition, 518; tenth expedition, 525, t l)aubeny, iiles, Lord, 447 and n. s,.q.; 57t;, 569 and n., 5D7, 654 "David," 146 ('umberland, U.S.S.. 174 D, cid (Sl,an.), 601
'tmohelimts: see Cymbelinc. l avid l [. captured,
l'urach, or comch., ;o. t;l Davis, John,: v' 626; his Aretic w,vaves, Catrdcn, I'etcr, 63% 631 I;26, 627; rves as pilot to Lancaster,
'urt:thls, 412 654
l'urton, Baron de, 4;: -- John, the navigator, aceoml,anies I 'urzon, Sir .1ohn, 2 n. C:tvcndiMb 68D; his voyages, I 'uttlc, Robert, 592 , D:tvis's quadrant, or the baek-stafi 403 4_.,, 425, 580, 588, 58D "Seaman's Secrets," John, 4o2, 403 ('gym t, o. I 'ymbeline, 7, 2D -- Strait, 627 I '5 mon, 34 Davits, 414 l'ynric, 34 lead Man's Lane, 277
'yprus, Edward I. at, 2o:; "Dead Shares," 421;-t28
I eal, 434 D, tintg, 505, 637, 641-643; taken by the l)ecline of the navy, causes of the, Spaniards an, l re-named 17sit,clan, 64k; lecol'atioll of ships, Dale, Doctor Valentine, 551 n. lee, John, citcd, 321, oJ. D,:/i, nce, -l_o, 4_.,, d n., 504, 520, 5-J, .[ollIl TM o ,. o- ,
Sir Thomas, o . 5:, 532
Ialkey I,and, naval fia'ce ofi 224 ]le la Ware, John, ll4 1 alri:tda, 8:; Roger, Lot, I, oJ. D,.liqbt, 570, 575 n., 591,645 1 :nnlbrd, =' o .