Dublin, fleet ILr Scotland assend,led at, 215; Ednumd h'onside. 17, 45, 46
taken by Edgar, 41 E,lney, Valter 5D7
Dubds, 7 Edred, 14, 41
1}udley, I'aptain Sir Rohert, 5o!) and n. Edric Streona, 46
--- Sir llemT, 47o Edwanl the Elder, 13, 14, 44)
-- Sir Robert, his voyage I- the West -- the IMartyr, 11;. 42
Indies, (;50, 651, ;52 -- the Confissor,
D.e lbpulse, 42:, 425: se also 17,1,uls�. Ednard I., accession ol; 12!); goes on a
I htflield, t 'sprain. 4!;5 v. crusade, 2 ;2: succeeds to the crown,
1}uijvenvoorde. Adndral Sir Jan van, 51o, sists France, 21:;
51)3-518 and n., 5'q; Edwanl 1I., accessio o1; 135, 13(;, 214;
Duke of II5.11i.gto., 41;4 n. abdicates, o.,,
Duke. 1.,be;t, ..)_ Edward IIL. accession ol; 143, o,,,
Ibm;hat;on, 23:;: Villegagnon elnbarks does homage to Philip VI., 231; styles
Mm'y Stuart at, 4t;S himsel� King of France. 2:18: at Antwe, T.
Ibm;s, Las, 546 n. 243: returns from Flanders, 24!;; re-
l}unbm', Earl ol; 23l sumes his claim to the crown of France,
--taken, 21o; Villegagmm lands troops 279: death of, 2,'47
at, 46S; razing of the fi,rtifications ol], 47)3 Edwanl IV., accession of, ;Is7, 460
Dundalk taken hv Edwar, l Bruce, 218; Edward V., accession of, 392
Edward Bruce klled at, 221 EdwaM VI., list of the fleet in the first yea;'
Dunquerque, preten,ltxl prel,arati-ns against, ol 420, 421
52,q: ships ohtained froin, 27;: SI,iuola ]dw. rd, 147, 2it, 269. 271), 422
escapes to, 53;; the supposed point of --taken, 244, 245, '_'53
destinatiou of the Armada, 547 -- of Malden,
lhmwich. 114, l!q; galleys ol} 114 E,l.'.rd J$o.*trelttttre, 484, 5,q0, ;13[ 615,
Duq.estt Sottt .t,t, 583. "' t352; wrecked near Pitsilgo, 616
Duro, Captain t'. F., 539 n. Edwy. 14, 41
Dutch, the, eO-ol,eration of in the ('mliz Efiinghaln, Lord Iligh Admiral t_'harles
Expeditim, 50L 515; co-operation wifit Lord Howard of: see lh,ward ot
l.eveson, 533, 535 n., 537: co-operation Elfingham
against the Arumda, 55S Egbert, 13, 3;
-- fleet under an English admiral. 48:; Egmont, I ',,unt, 473
Dnty levied on in-coming ships and oods, Eineon, 34)4
292 "Ejections," 133
[)tax Britannim, :',! Elbeul; the M;trquis d', 47;
Dyrh,,lu, Isle, 3'o); Eleanor, 224, 423 an,[ n.
Elephant said to have been brought
EAowY. William, I'H Britain by Cfesar, l;.
�;gl,, 42:; Elf)nat', treachery ol; 45
Ealchere, 3;; Elftic, 42
Earth, circumlbrm'e of the, deterin)ned 1,y Eliot (? Lieutenant of the 'iUmlffl), 5sD
Eratostheues, 3!;.; Eliot. Hugh.
l':arwig, I;50 Elizabeth, Queen, accession oi; 473, -tT-t
East India t'oml,auy. 440: origin of the, the fleet muler, 422, et seq.; firnmess of.
48:; chartered, I;54; fir:.t fleet of the, 44�); Drake presented t,,, ;23; death ol;
- 54, 655 53s; her anxiety about the Cadiz booty.
Ebbsfleet, :14 517, 518 i';chyugham, Sir Edwin'd, 451, 453. 454, Eliml,,qh, 5!, 455, 45; -- ( Davis's shil,' , 4;27 Eclil,tic , Ohliquity of the, calculated 1,y --(Drake's), 628, I;29. Eratotheues, :1:):) -- lh,uac�.ture, 423, 425, 43D, 487: see Eddystoe, :tetiou with the Armada off the, alsoBmm,'ent,tre. 564-5);7 -- victuallet, 5'.)4 l';,teringtou, s Elizal, etb Drd,'e, Edgar, 15, 41: .lames II.'s admiration fla', -- l'b..s, 5!)1 42 --.h,..s, 423, 425, 521;, 56[;, 57% 572, -- Atheliug, 53, so. 87, $ 5.q8, 5.,4:) Edinlmr.h. taken, 21o; sacked, 46o: l,lun- --of lb,yet, alered, 4);7; Treaty of, 471; --- of Leigh, 5!14 l';,huouds, J-hn, 5,; --- of l,owestoft, 577 n., 597 1'5Iron,d, 269. 273 [".li'aleth's Island, 532 l';,humM, 14, 4 i Elizal,ethides, the, 63o